
Jekyll on Fedora - Installation and use



Jekyll is a generator of static sites, with blog recognition, for personal sites, projects or organizations, with support for GitHub.


  • Installing Jekyll
  • Host a website on GitHub Pages
  • Clone a GitHub Pages site locally






Installing Jekyll


[root@amd64 ~]$ dnf group install "Development Tools"

[root@amd64 ~]$ dnf install ruby ruby-devel rpm-build


Now run the following commands with your user


[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc

[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc

[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ source ~/.bashrc


Finally install Jekyll


[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ gem install jekyll bundler


Create a folder (name as you like) with the Jekyll website, enter the folder and build the website


[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ jekyll new meusite

[pratajo@amd64 ~]$ cd meusite

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ bundle exec jekyll serve


Open your browser at http://localhost:4000

































                                              The theme installed by default: minima



Host a website on GitHub Pages


Create an empty repository on GitHub Pages in the format


On the website, edit _config.yml and write the name of the repository "xxxx" created in Git. Start the Git repository and synchronize the website.


baseurl: ""

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git init

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git checkout -b master

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git status

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git add .

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git config --global ""

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git config --global "Meu Nome"

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git commit -m "Commit inicial"

[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git remote add origin


When uploading the site, you will be asked for your GitHub username and password.


[pratajo@amd64 meusite]$ git push -u origin master



Clone a GitHub Pages site locally


After creating the site on GitHub we can clone the site locally. To do this, go to the folder where you want to store the project and clone the new repository.


[pratajo@amd64 Site]$ git clone


After changing a file, for example index.html, send this new version to GitHub


[pratajo@amd64 Site]$ cd

[pratajo@amd64]$ git add index.html (se for um novo ficheiro)

[pratajo@amd64]$ git commit index.html -m “Initial commit”

[pratajo@amd64]$ git push origin master


And we have the website at :)